
Dmitri Akers

Tell me, O Muse, of the devastation wrought on
That ruined, lost citadel—its council led by
Men of high standing, with lofty hubris to boot,
Those poor souls who were felled by head-sprung Athena…
Which way could they’ve wandered in a light-vanquished world?
The fiery war cry thundered over the treetops,
As Achaeans fomented their mettle and rage;
Their siege machines were supine: serpents in a pit,
When they fought for that tempting apple, orb’d Metis.
Could Trojans e’er weather that storm? Merely perished?
Time-taking Eye which would slowly’ve met the centre
In furious calm, leaving nothing ‘cept silence.

Dmitri Akers

Dmitri Akers is a writer and poet living on Kaurna land (Adelaide, South Australia). His creative work has appeared in 'La Piccioletta Barca' (16, 30, 33, 34) and 'So It Goes' (IX, X); his non-fiction has appeared in 'The Modernist Review' (35) and on the Undergraduate Library (as he was Highly Commended by the Global Undergraduate Awards in 2020).

Issue 30
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