Five Poems of Love

M Zaman

A Poem of Love

The first morning they forded the stream, the second morning
they hold hands, and the third morning they kissed; their hearts

fluttered… the jasmines and the hibiscuses are in full bloom;
the bougainvillea scream its intense colors. Does dream has

meaning or elephants fly? Dream weaves its slender threads;
dream floats deeper into other dreams; horizons blurred; time

Is torn; space collapsed, and gravity devastating.

The Second Poem of Love

Trees blaze in flames of impossible colors, and she dances
in the alleys of redolent lilacs. Fetch me a little love, she said.
I asked, from where? From the thin air, she said. So, I catch
a butterfly; I count the colors; it has every color a wing can carry.

The Third Poem of Love

Pencils of a drunken moon, vertical and fenestrated through
and through; a grunting noise; a raindrop seeps through the

window pane; blighted midnight; drunk was the moon; alone
she walked into the whispering shadows of unkempt mangrove

The Fourth Poem of Love

Wisdom has no love, says the celibate priest, then he weeps,
and says to the priestess: O’ priestess, tear my ornate robe and

listen to my heart’s affliction. My head is wise, but my heart
is not; thus spoken, he placed his heart on a lovely posy; and

offered the priestess his last homily.

The Fifth Poem of Love

My wife is a singer; she is training her voice; a sitar,
a harmonium and a printed article on quantum suicide –
it’s mine.
Eggs, avocado and a few slices of full-grain bread, this
is the morning; Doctor Faustus is on the floor; I picked
up the book and read to my wife: “run softly, softly, horses
of midnight.”

A poet and an accidental physician; he lives with his lovely wife on the Raquette River in a quaint college town on the foothills of the majestic Adirondacks, enchantingly irenic with rivulets full of toothsome water, and hills rarely trodden. His poems are published or accepted for publication in the High Shelf Press, the Stardust Review, the Black Horse Review La Piccioletta Barca and the Cathexis North West Press. He also writes in his native language Bangla. His most recent publication in Bangla is a translation of the Epic of Gilgamesh.

Issue 19
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