Respect the Mountain

Konstantis Alexopoulos


All those magical places, awaiting to be seen. All those breathtaking moments, awaiting to be lived. Every feeling that makes you want to scream “I’m alive!”, from the bottom of your lungs and heart, that awaits to be felt. That, is “the great outdoors”.

And yet, we often find the world that we live in, far different from that, with the indoors, many times looking an awful lot more appealing. I guess the beauty of waking up at 5:00am just to see the glorious sun rise from the ocean, is not for everyone – even thought it was meant to be. The terror and the excitement we feel, when standing on the edge of the cliff, is not enough for us to commit, and climb the mountain – just to push the summit a bit higher. Watching people do ordinary stuff, differently or identically, to the way we do it, and trying to put ourselves in their shoes by trying to image living their story, sounds pointless, if not weird, to the most.

Any challenge of seeing, feeling, trying, and eventually living, is not worth taking the risk anymore... But it takes courage and kindness. It takes an urge coming from deep inside, to explore the unknown – both internal, and external. It takes respect for the beautiful and terrible things life can be. And just the ones equipped with these values, will get to not only look, but really see the world. Their world.

Konstantis Alexopoulos

I’m an ocean science and marine conservation student at the University of Plymouth, with a passion for traveling and visual storytelling. Through my photos, I am trying to communicate the incredible beauty of nature and the spiritual charm of people. I invite you to my journey in life, to witness the moments that I see through the lens of my camera, and read the thoughts that I hear in my head. You can find more of my work at:

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