On The Arrival of Spring

Nacho Oliden

The blaze of a hummingbird hints in sweet shade,
Among brief petals that the year has brought,
Rolling out, like the lover’s smile, to sun’s note.

From the skies a dream of light is boughed;
Crosses over long fields and falls
In the exact point of this garden
In which my book is opened.

I think in delight:
What glorious movement of gears
Has been sketched in those margins,
And decided such luck?

Birds! Roses! All have come to me!
Dew of the first greening    
Enlivening the locked-up trees,
And this faraway sunbeam arrives at last
To let me read my books outside!

Nacho Oliden

Ignacio Oliden (Buenos Aires, 1997) is a poet, translator and literary critic. He is Co-Editor in Chief of the literary magazine La Piccioletta Barca, and is a member of the editorial comittee of Buenos Aires Poetry (magazine and publishing house). He also writes poetry criticism in the Culture Supplement of the newspaper Perfil (Argentina). His work has appeared in print in newspapers, anthologies, and literary magazines in various countries, and his poetry has been translated into English, Italian and Greek. He has published Poetas del Renacimiento de Harlem (2023, in collaboration with Juan Arabia), and Mester de Juglaría (2024).

Issue 29
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