Arthur Waley, of an Evening

Richard W. Halperin

Of translations of the Tao,
it is his I spend time with.
He does his patinage on thin ice.
For me, it suffices. To the wisdom
of the Tao he adds his own
wisdom. He interprets a text
which survives in a language
no one speaks anymore,
and which may have been spoken
more in gestures than in words.
He writes beautifully because
he thinks beautifully. Some poetry
is hygiene.

Richard W. Halperin

Richard W. Halperin's work is published by Salmon Poetry/Cliffs of Moher (four collections since 2010) and Lapwing Publications/Belfast (16 shorter collections since 2014). In 2024 Salmon will bring out a Selected and New Poems volume drawing upon all twenty collections.

Issue 16
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