Three poems by Susana Thénon

Ignacio Oliden



amaina el cielo
canta la boca de la estatua
el humo nace               muere violeta
llora el sol                     viudo de aire
sobre vivos y muertos                           livianas lágrimas


the hour

eases the sky
the statue's mouth sings
the smoke is born               it dies violet
the sun cries                       air widow
over living and dead                                  light tears


despertar y decirle
yo no he podido hacer el amor
¿no lo comprendes?
un recién muerto es como un niño


to wake up and say
I could not make love
¿don't you understand?
a newdead is like a child


roca mía
fundamento mío
yo duermo en tu silencio como en un árbol

suave sal       te amaré sin fin
en tu florecer     y en tu nombre


my rock
my fundament
I sleep in your silence like in a tree

soft salt       I will love you endlessly
in your bloom    and in your name

Susana Thénon (1935-1991) was an Argentine poet, translator, and photographer. She was a member of the Generación del '60 (Alejandra Pizarnik, Juana Bignozzi). Her poetry was completely original and her work goes beyond any attempt to classify it.

Ignacio Oliden

Ignacio Oliden (Buenos Aires, 1997) is a poet, translator and literary critic. He is Co-Editor in Chief of the literary magazine La Piccioletta Barca, and is a member of the editorial comittee of Buenos Aires Poetry (magazine and publishing house). He also writes poetry criticism in the Culture Supplement of the newspaper Perfil (Argentina). His work has appeared in print in newspapers, anthologies, and literary magazines in various countries, and his poetry has been translated into English, Italian and Greek. He has published Poetas del Renacimiento de Harlem (2023, in collaboration with Juan Arabia), and Mester de Juglaría (2024).

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