Ignacio Oliden

Ignacio Oliden was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He is co-editor-in-chief at La Piccioletta Barca, poetry editor, as well as editor of the translation column, Paraphrasis.

He is a member of the magazine and publishing house Buenos Aires Poetry, and a writer and critic in the Cultural Supplement of the newspaper Perfil. Despite publishing almost exclusively in LPB, Buenos Aires Poetry and Perfil, his work has also appeared in other print and digital journals in various countries.

Ignacio mainly dedicates his time to poetry. He has translated, among other poets, Gwendolyn Brooks, Corbière, and Petronius into Spanish.

Besides poetry, he holds a great interest in history and film. He has published several works about the 19th century Argentine statesman and writer Domingo Faustino Sarmiento, and criticisms and analyses about filmmakers such as Lucrecia Martel, John Cassavetes, and Manoel de Oliveira.

Ignacio has published a book-length anthology in collaboration with Juan Arabia, Poetas del renacimiento de Harlem (Buenos Aires Poetry, 2023). His first poetry book, Mester de juglaría, was published in 2024 by the same label. Some of his poems have been translated into Greek and Italian.