sharp and brief the disconnection in the ripples of your eyes darkening with the wish to communicate: the sun pouring in the window stark naked you’re turning to lie on your back your dark hair catching the light hard and near: there is only a silence at once immense and barbaric masking the drifting pattern of the sky light following clouds arrival: this domain of mere things where the wind simply whips the curtains where the gift is the light spilling across an uninterrupted stretch of snow please just be with me
Photograph by Amir Esrafili
Samuel Gilpin
Samuel Gilpin is a poet living in Portland, OR, who holds a Ph.D. in English Lit. from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, hence, its why he works as a door to door salesman. A Prism Review Poetry Contest winner, he has served as the Poetry Editor of Witness Magazine and Book Review Editor of Interim. A Cleveland State University First Book Award finalist, his work has appeared in various journals and magazines, most recently in The Bombay Gin, Omniverse, and Colorado Review. Follow him on IG @sam_gilpin_
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