Flavio Ferraro

Flavio Ferraro was born in Rome in 1984. A poet, an essayist, an expert in metaphysical doctrines and translator, he writes articles for several online newspapers and magazines. Among his volumes of poetry: Sulla soglia oscura (La Camera Verde, Roma 2010); Da un estremo margine (La Camera Verde, Roma 2012); La direzione del tramonto (Oèdipus, Salerno 2013); La luce immutabile (La Camera Verde, Roma 2019). His entire poetic production is collected in Il silenzio degli oracoli (L’Arcolaio, Forlimpopoli 2021). In 2021 was also published his translation of the John Keats’ Odes (Delta 3, Grottaminarda 2021). Within his non-fiction production La malvagità del bene. Il progressismo e la parodia della Tradizione (Irfan, San Demetrio Corone 2019).